In our modern world, pharmaceutical medications play a crucial role in treating and managing various health conditions. It is impossible to calculate the lives saved and improved by modern pharmaceuticals. While these medications have shaped a world of healthy people, many common medications have undesirable effects as well while trying to treat common issues. As such, many people turn to a more traditional and yet unconventional option to treat their health issues: cannabis.
Opioids are a common medication prescribed to patients with pain disorders including chronic pain. These medications are great for acute pain, but are poor options for chronic pain, and carry with them a number of health issues. For instance, many opioid medications that are prescribed long-term are compounded with Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and can cause liver damage and failure with chronic, high dose usage. Opioid overdoses have caused numerous deaths, often unintentional deaths by patients accidentally taking too much in an effort to ease their chronic pain.
Antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications are commonly prescribed to patients who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). These medications have improved the lives of countless people, but occasionally come with undesirable of side effects. Many people complain of having fatigue, decreased energy, and lethargy with many antidepressants, and they say they feel “like a zombie.” Many antidepressants can cause sexual dysfunction in patients, reducing libido, causing erectile dysfunction, or causing difficulty reaching orgasm. And, of course, accidental or intentional overdose of these medications can cause a plethora of health issues, including death.
Chemotherapy as a treatment for cancer is a life saving medication that has saved thousands of lives and prolonged lives that would have otherwise been prematurely lost. These medications are known to have terrible side effects as well. Patients undergoing chemotherapy often report difficulty eating, nausea, weight loss, and pain issues. Often patients undergoing chemotherapy are given more pharmaceuticals to alleviate the side effects that are caused by the treatment itself.
Medical cannabis has emerged as a therapy option for many qualifying diagnoses, such as chronic pain, PTSD, and issues associated with cancer or the treatment thereof. Many patients are realizing that they do not have to rely on pharmaceuticals for their issues and can instead utilize medical cannabis for a more holistic treatment.
Cannabis is an incredibly safe option for patients, as there has never been a demonstratable fatal or dangerous overdose level. The use of medical cannabis has few potential undesirable side effects. Cannabis has never been demonstrated to cause, exacerbate, or contribute to any forms of organ damage or failure. The use of medical cannabis, while under researched, is growing in its potential uses.
In Iowa, the state government has identified a strict panel of qualifying conditions for which patients can utilize medical cannabis. These qualifying conditions include any form of chronic pain, PTSD, and cancer (with associated pain, nausea/vomiting, or wasting), as well as AIDS/HIV, Parkinson’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, any seizure disorder, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, severe autism (with self-injurious or violent behaviors), and any terminal illness with a prognosis of less than one year of survival (with pain, nausea/vomiting, or wasting).
Pharmaceutical medications have immense benefits and have helped an untold number of people through their short history. These medications, though, still carry significant risks in their use. Medical cannabis is a safe alternative for many issues without the concern of side effects or overdose.